Sustainable Large Span Building Design
The Department of Civil Engineering organized an undergraduate student competition at national level titled: “1st National Competition on Sustainable Design of Large Span Building”. The theme of the competition was to design an Aircraft Hangar Building particularly focusing on Architectural, Structural and Sustainability aspects as per requirements. The aim of the competition was to bridge the gap between students’ theoretical knowledge and the real world problem solution strategies with time constraints. In the initial phase, around 30 teams registered from different universities including Mehran University, Balochistan University, NUST Islamabad, Sir Syed University, Quid-e-Awam University, Capital University of Sciences and Technology (CUST), City University and Ziauddin University at national level and 13 teams succeeded to meet the deadline and submit their designs. In the second phase, the submitted reports were evaluated by a panel of experts invited from academia and industry. Finally, the competition won by the team from National University of Science and Technology Islamabad, whereas the 1st and 2nd runners up belong to the NED University of Engineering and Technology. This event was supported by The Institute of Engineers Pakistan and NED Alumni Network (NEDIAN).